Southtech had the opportunity on the 28th of July 2018 to visit the Jahangirnagar University campus, to speak with future HR professionals. The class which focused solely on Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS) was conducted by Mr. Jahangir Alam, who is also currently employed and a 9 year veteran of The Eastern Bank Ltd. Human Resources Division.
Southtech personnel had the opportunity to share experiences and prospects of the future.
“Southtech is an established name in the HRIS industry. Possibilities are you will encounter the SCALED system in your professional life,” said Mr. Alam during a presentation of a prototype version of Southtech SCALED.
Scaled is a proprietary Human Resource Management Solution of Southtech. As a result of this session, students experienced human resource management software practically.
“To be honest the session that you have taken was mind-blowing and informative. We have learned a lot. Undoubtedly,we will try to arrange another session here on our campus at your convenience. ” said Mr. Abu Sayem Rimon, a student in his final semester. ”
Students, instructors and all professionals agreed that practical learning is beneficial to the students. Through this kind of session, students can learn much more if taught in context. For this reason, showing end reports, interfaces and process-flows generated by the SCALED system inspired enthusiasm among the students.
In the near future, Southtech hopes to conduct more specialized events for young professionals through which they will get more knowledge about the industry they are going to work with.
To know how Southtech is changing the HR landscape in Bangladesh, click here.